Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well Little Lu may not be moving much, but she is starting to be a talker. She put two words together on Sunday. She was up bright and early on Sunday, and we bid Kirk adieu before he got to the church for day. I was changing her diaper and she said DaDa bye bye and then waved. I said yes, Daddy left for church. She put her hand up in her high five position and I said yes, you gave daddy five before he left. She then said Mama bye bye and waved. I said nope, Momma, Lucy, and Cooper will go to church later. Her receptive language is good too. She's understanding so much. I just love this stage!


Leigh said...

She looks awesome! I can't believe she's putting words together!

Glad you are back in the blog world...I've missed ya!

Jessica said...

She just gets cuter and cuter! with her bangs and those eyes she looks like a precious moments doll!