Thursday, August 23, 2007


Chuck and Jean Anne said...

Great pictures. I must commend you on the name you chose for your daughter!

Jessica said...

AWE! You are a very photgenic family!

Erin said...

Sooo sweet! Soo pretty! How do you get anything done? I would just stare at her all day long.

Anonymous said...

Kirk and Tricia,

Love reading your thoughts from afar and seeing the pictures of all of you. We love you and look forward to getting our hands on Lucy soon!

Cousin Sus

Lauren said...

We couldn't be happier for you. Lucy is just beautiful! Ella asked
this morning, "When do I get to meet my new cousin?" We love you!

Lauren, Tony and Ella

Julie said...

I love the pictures.

Ruth said...

She's beautiful! Such sweet photos :). Thanks so much for giving us a window in.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! I can only imagine your hearts are leaping iwth joy! What a blessing from the Lord! Praying for you. Aimee