Monday, August 27, 2007

Olympics Bound

Minh, our friend and guide, was almost speechless. We must be breaking all kind of speed records! Send us to the Olympics….we’re going for gold.

Our interview went well….so well that they gave us Lucy’s VISA on the spot and we don’t have to go back tomorrow afternoon as expected. What does this mean you ask? This means I’m currently doing everything I can to get on an airplane and get back to those I love.

This is great news, but…..we don’t yet know about flights. If our gold medal performance holds up, we’ll be home in a blink of an eye. However we have all watched the Olympics and witnessed the most talented favorite go down hard! We are not counting our chickens until they hatch…..and if they don’t hatch, we’ll make scrambled eggs and enjoy breakfast.

We took Lucy to the international health clinic this afternoon. It was good news. No major ear infection, just a very irritated ear canal. Nothing a little Tylenol won’t fix. This was the best $75.00 we have spent. You can’t put a price on peace of mind.

Someone call my travel agent and kick him in gear so we can get home!

Peace, Kirk


Jessica said...

WOW!!! What good news!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you all!!!
Stay safe, will keep checking on the blog to see when you will be home!
Love to all-
Em, Juice, Trapper and Phoebe

Anonymous said...

Lucy is beautiful! We miss you. Thanks for the daily updates. It has been fun reading about your journey. You got yours first, but our little one is supposed to be here tomorrow. Love, Wade and Donna

Heather said...

That WAS fast! Loved following your blog...will continue to once you are home (if you keep updating). Lucy is a keeper, for sure!